Adventure awaits you.

Are you still being held back from a fully and independent life by the pain, discomfort and stiffness in your bones or joints? Rediscover adventures you missed with the health supplement that strengthen joints and performance activity, Recogen®

While conventional supplement provide some relief to our joints, the effects are considered short term. This is mainly because these conventional supplements are not properly absorbed into our bloodstream and does not fully target joint areas which limits their effectiveness.

Many conventional supplement contains Glucosamine, an amino sugar derived from shellfish that’s used as a nutritional supplement for bone and joint medications. This poses an additional risk of allergic reactions and various other side effects. These conventional supplements may provide temporary relief, there’s high chances for the relapse of joint pain which may disrupt your daily life.

Getting you pass the finishing line

Long term goals are important to reach ultimate success for any health regime. While many joint products or supplement offers short term relief through glucosamine and painkillers, why not take a look at our next generation joint supplement?

Health supplements that contain glucosamine and painkillers are some of the measures used commonly to treat joint pain, knee pain, or any form of discomfort at the joint areas. Unfortunately, these are known to provide short-term relief and also may cause side effects. Joint collagen is the next generation joint health supplement that not only repairs and protects cartilage, also helps in cartilage maintenance and regeneration reducing pain and other symptoms. Studies shown to improve strength and performance of active individuals.

The Next Generation

Joints Problems Treatment Methods

Adventure awaits you.

Are you still being held back from a fully and independent life by the pain, discomfort and stiffness in your bones or joints? Rediscover adventures you missed with the health supplement that strengthen joints and performance activity, Recogen®

While conventional supplement provide some relief to our joints, the effects are considered short term. This is mainly because these conventional supplements are not properly absorbed into our bloodstream and does not fully target joint areas which limits their effectiveness.

Many conventional supplement contains Glucosamine, an amino sugar derived from shellfish that’s used as a nutritional supplement for bone and joint medications. This poses an additional risk of allergic reactions and various other side effects. These conventional supplements may provide temporary relief, there’s high chances for the relapse of joint pain which may disrupt your daily life.

Getting you pass the finishing line

Long term goals are important to reach ultimate success for any health regime. While many joint products or supplement offers short term relief through glucosamine and painkillers, why not take a look at our next generation joint supplement?

Health supplements that contain glucosamine and painkillers are some of the measures used commonly to treat joint pain, knee pain, or any form of discomfort at the joint areas. Unfortunately, these are known to provide short-term relief and also may cause side effects. Joint collagen is the next generation joint health supplement that not only repairs and protects cartilage, also helps in cartilage maintenance and regeneration reducing pain and other symptoms. Studies shown to improve strength and performance of active individuals.

The Next Generation

Joints Problems Treatment Methods


1st Generation: Pain killers and anti-inflammatories

1 . Addresses symptoms only
2 . May provide short term relief and improvement
3 . May cause side-effects and may be harmful


1st Generation: Pain killers and anti-inflammatories

1 . Addresses symptoms only
2 . May provide short term relief and improvement
3 . May cause side-effects and may be harmful

2nd Generation: Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate

1 . Is suggested to improve joint functioning
2 . Seems to have an effect on short term relief and improvement
3 . May cause allergic reactions

Next Generation – Joint Collagen

1 . Repairs/Protects cartilage and relieves symptoms
2 . Improves performance in athletes and active individuals
3 . Works on cartilage maintenance and regeneration
4 . Helps to retain and regain mobility


Bioactive Collagen Peptides

As we age, the production of collagen, a structural protein that’s crucial for healthy joints, starts to rapidly decrease.

This deficiency can lead to a host of problems such as cartilage degeneration, joint deformities and osteoarthritis.

Recogen utilises the rejuvenating power of Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP) to supplement your body’s daily need of collagen to rebuild joint cartilage, tendons and connective tissue.

BCP also aids muscle recovery, allowing you to regain the strength and mobilityneeded for an active lifestyle.

The Difference


15x Faster Absorption

Bioactive Collagen Peptides have extremely low molecular weight and shorter peptide chains compared to conventional supplement. This helps absorption through intestinal walls and into the bloodstream and joints, translating to faster and better recovery.


3x Higher Nutrition

Recogen is enhanced with two crucial amino acids, Glycine and Proline. The formation of collagen and gelatin in joint tissue is aided by Glycine, while Proline aids in the breakdown of protein for healthy cells and the formation of strong ligaments, tendons and heart muscle.


More Energy for Life

Never again will you be held back by fatigued muscles or joints. Recogen is high in nutrients and amino acids that enhance muscle strength and gives you the boost you need to live an active and fulfilling life.
